Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sejarah Perkembangan Desain Kemasan

Perkembangan Desain Kemasan dalam Masyarakat yang Dinamis

Sejarah desain kemasan berkaitan erat dengan setiap aspek perubahan budaya manusia. Perkembangan teknologi, material, produksi, dan kondisi masyarakat konsumen yang terus berubah kengakibatkan peningkatan perlunya kemasan untuk melindungi, menyimpan dan mengirimi barang. Desain kemasan menjadi sarana untuk mengkomunikasikan isi produk secara visual. Perspektif sejarah yang padat berikut ini akan mengeksplorasi bagaimana perkembangan peradaban, peningkatan perdagangan, penemuan-penemuan manusia, penemuan teknologi, dan berbaga kejadian global memfasilitasi kelahiran dan evolusi desain kemasan
Sejarah awal desain kemasan dimulai dari kebutuhan manusia untuk memiliki barang, dan sejak 8000 SM material-material alami seperti anyaman rumput dan kain, kulit pohon, daun, kerang, kerajian tanah liat, dan peralatan kaca yang kasardigunakan sebagai peti kemas untuk menyimpan barang. Sayur labu yang berongga dan kandung kemih binatang mengilhami bentuk botol kaca, dan kulit binatang serta daun merupakan asal muasal kantung kertas dan pembungkus plastic

Friday, September 26, 2014

Searching for The Meaning of ‘Skripsi’

First, i want to make an exception to using Indonesian for the word ‘skripsi’ (thesis) to differ it from Master Degree’s thesis.

Skripsi is one of the term of graduate and get an academic title for Bachelor Degree students. The point is: “you don’t finish your skripsi, you don’t get your title”. But for me, get a title is not a goal from finishing my degree.  When I enter university and start my study in Agroindustrial Technology Education Department, I don’t think that I have to get a title. In opposite, I think “Why I get ‘S.Pd’ title instead of ‘S.TP’?” I prefer ‘S.TP’ I guess. ‘S.Pd’ sounds like an abbreviation of ‘Sepeda’ and ‘S.TP’ is ‘Estipi’. It’s funny to hear and say. But. . . whatever. The important thing is I finish my study with my best effort and respectful. No cheating, cheating is just for cheap.
Some college students maybe feeling awful when hear skripsi and they get so much obstacles when finish it off. And when the obstacles getting difficult as the time goes on, they start to ask. . .

“Why the skripsi is a must for us?”

Simple and Cheap Graduation Souvenir

Belajar menulis dengan Bahasa Inggris! Correct me if I wrong, please :)

Last August, some of my classmates have been graduated. In my college, there's a tradition to give a bucket of flower for the graduates. So, should I buy almost 20 bucket of flower which costs 10.000 IDR each? *cry* Besides, I'm sad to see the flowers picked from its stem and slowly wilt in the vase *cry more* Let them grow healthy naturally!

Ting! Alhamdulillah I have an idea!
Just make a paper flower! (But it's not paper-friendly hehe)

First, make a design of the flower with PS. 
This is the design I've made:
You can put the graduate's name too.
Then, print it in a 4R photo paper and cut it in the flower shape. 1 paper contains 2 flowers and cost about 2.000 IDR. So, for 20 graduates I just spent 20.000 IDR for the flowers yeay!
Next, you can put a pin, a necklace, or a stem for the flower. I choose stem so it can be hold like a real flower. For the stem I use tusuk sate which cost 1.700 IDR for 25 pcs. Stick the stem together with the flower.
Voila! All of my classmates get their flower! And it's durable, need no vase, need no water, and will never wilt.